
Labtocat avatar from the Github Octodex

As a graduate student in genetics, I mentored dozens of undergraduate, graduate, and medical students through projects in the laboratory. Along the way, I wrote out protocols to help my students learn. Now I’m making that information available to you. I’ll also post background information about how each protocol works.

I like learning new things. Web design is my current project. By working on this website, I’d like to earn the following stripes:

Bash basics
Version control with git and GitHub
Package management with Homebrew
Set up my Ruby development environment, starting with rbenv
Use Ruby gems
Build a website with Jekyll
Develop a website with Gulp
Incorporate Autoprefixer into my Gulp development pipeline
Write in Markdown
Write in HTML
Write in CSS
Responsive, mobile-first website design
Improve search ranking with Google analytics
Design graphics in Photoshop and Inkscape

In the future, I’ll learn:

Ruby on Rails

All this will result in some end products:

W3 Schools Certificate in HTML
W3 Schools Certificate in CSS
Design a Liquid site template; make available on GitHub

I’d like to recognize the tools used to build this site: